Well okay I guess I already had one but ... I GOT ANOTHER JOB! Yay for me. What will I be doing you ask? Well I will be selling toys! Not not Yo-yos and barbies at Toys R Us. They are actually going to be Radio Controlled ... stuff... to retail stores. Im going to be part of the Channel Distribution thing they talked about in school. Im that one step after manufacturer and right before retailer. Im part of a distribution system. Oh for joy.
so now what does that mean for the future of Dante? Hmmm dont know really. The job is one hour away from where i currently live, so Im probably going to be moving out once I have settled things enough for me to make the move. Bank accounts, change of addresses, and so forth. Hope my car insurance doesn't go up. Last time I moved in this state it went up 15 bucks. Maybe this move will bring it down rather than up.
So with this new job I must say that things are moving along quite well. At first I was very disheartened and very worrisome of what the hell I was doing. But with this on the horizon, I think things are going to be "al'ree".
I'll try to update as much as possible. Of course, I say this knowing that there probably isn't a very large pool of people who check this website, and of the people who do check this website, I probably call them and tell them about the news before I have a chance to update this site. But ah well. If you are reading this then awesome! If not then not so awesome. But if you are reading this, then I give you this. Coupon #456879. Mention this coupon number at any McDonalds and receive a free something or other with fries. (Only at participating locations)
Anyways Keep on Trucking
I know I Am.
Carnival Drive
13 years ago
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