Hello and Welcome.
Well its been quite some time since i updated this site. No doubt there will be little to no visitors currently checking for updates so this current blog is being made purely to my own satisfaction.
Just had breakfast with new roommate. I still dont really know his name or how to say it, but i think it sounds something like "Sir-Hesh". As long as i keep mumbling it when i say it i think i should be fine. I know i promised some apartment pictures to people for quite some time but i recently lost my desktop pc which had all the pictures and even the website i was working on for the "virtual apartment". Im trying to bring it back to life, but free time to work on my computer is very little, and i find sleep to be more important. By sleep i am refering to the much needed 7 to 8 hours at night, and not the sleep alot of my friends normally associate me with, that being the sleep during classes and when im just bored.
It is May now, and come tomorrow it will be exactly 2 months since i moved out here to illinois from new york. (I am not counting the road trip cause that was sort of a transition period, and who counts transitions anyway).
The job front, well, hasnt been all that great. I am still working the dead end job i got one week after moving here. Everything else is still up in the air. I've interviewed several times at several places, and none as of yet have said "sign on the dotted line, your hired". I am currently looking at this job for a RC toy company, which i am really really anxious to get, but after each interview i have with them, they tell me they need me to come back again for another interview. Don't know if this is the normal way things happen, but i suppose if i get to speak to a different person each interview, I am either moving up in the company before I've even been hired, or the person who interviewed me last was just recently let go. Who knows, either way i want a job, and its taking me forever to find one. This is of course is excluding the job i currently have, of which will probably let go of about 50% of its staff the moment the summer heat hits. (meaning it is a job that for the most part is 50% seasonal, if you understand that then please by all means have a cookie).
It is now 8:56 am, central time, and i have to get in my car in 4 minutes so i can be at work by 9:30. These 4 minutes of course are not really all that important, because even if i do leave in 4 minutes, i will still arrive at work 15 minutes early, which would be perfectly fine if i got paid for being early, but i dont, so really the 15 minutes early that i will have while at work, will be spent sitting in a lunch room looking at a clock, waiting for the minute hand to reach that dooming 6. At which point i will climb a flight of stairs and take my seat at my cubicle. I know this is the norm for many jobs, and probably will be the norm at the job i am applying for at that toy company, but trust me, seasonal work at a place that has an employee turnover of about a week, is not all that great. I look at this job as a means to a paycheck. Its paying the bills, its paying the rent, its basically paying. And im actually saving alot while working here. The cost of living so far, as i see it, is fairly cheap. Of course i am living like a college kid, a step up from a dorm and working 40 hours a week without having to worry about tests or papers, so its easy to pay for things. Im sure anyone anywhere, could sustain themselves the way i have done so far. The question is, is sustaining ones self at a level below what one had expected to live in, worth sustaining at all? Ah and if you ponder that long enough you will know why i really want to work for another company that has more benifits, better management, and a friendlier staff. Not to say that my current co-workers are horrible, in fact they are quite pleasant, I have even made a friend or two. But when saying more than 2 words to your co-worker can get you in trouble, because it is of a non-work related nature, well... how much fun can that be? None at all.
I have though began drawing, I recently brought a pencil and eraser to work, so time has been going by fairly easily lately. I will post a picture or two as i make them, ... this of course is not a promise, because well i have said i would post other pictures before and as of yet, have not done so.
I have also began reading the works of Douglas Adams again, so i expect my blog entries to reflect that. Anyways it is now 9:07 which means, I am late for my 15 minute waste of time. So i better go.
See you all later
Keep On Trucking
Carnival Drive
13 years ago
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