So its the day after the comic con weekend. Kinda of weird weekend. It was different than the last. More people. Well more or less.
Did a lot of thinking about writing. Like I feel I really want to do something about it. Got to thinking about how I'm wired you know. Like for the longest I can remember, I've been a day dreaming. Staring out the windows of the J train, imagining dragons and deamons bursting through the clouds. Imagining worlds and peoples in my head all these years. Maybe thats how these writers see it. They see the world differently.
So I want to give it a shot. Put the pen to paper and see what I can create. It would be good to get some of my imaginings on paper. I've always wanted to look back on stuff. Especially stuff in my head. Would also keep me from rewriting and reimagining things.
So this here, this blog. This is my personal deal. My account on the days and the days thoughts. I really should keep to it. But I hate the idea of it being read. Like I need something private and something public.
Carnival Drive
13 years ago